With you for the past 10 years, committed to compliance and integrity!
Members can start attaining all the benefits of membership on the day of paying the membership fee. The payment deadline is 8 days from the issuance of the pro forma invoice or. invoice for the private sector and 30 days from the issuance of the pro forma invoice or accounts for budget users. For individual members, the membership fee can be paid by the company or the organization where they are employed.
When joining EICE, corporate members must provide personal data of professionals who will be using membership benefits (name, surname, job position and e-mail). They may, for any reason, change an individual or several professionals for the duration of the membership, of which they must inform EICE and communicate their personal data. A new professional can benefit from the remaining benefits of corporate membership from entry onwards, except for ICA membership, which is non-transferable.
For other conditions of membership, check general terms and conditions of membership in the EICE professional community..
Prijave za nove člane so odprte od 15. januarja do 30. aprila za tekoče leto.
Polletni vpisi za nove člane potekajo od 22. avgusta do 30. septembra za tekoče leto.
Education, research and development in the field of compliance and ethics and care for the development of the business compliance officer profession.