With you for the past 10 years, committed to compliance and integrity!
ENFCO – European Network for Compliance Officers, katerega tvorni član je EISEP, je nedavno objavil poročilo o rezultatih svoje raziskave o pristopih podjetij k področju trajnostnega poslovanja in vlogi skladnosti pri tem (ESG & Compliance).
Z veseljem delimo te pomembne ugotovitve z vami, saj verjamemo, da bodo pripomogle k vašemu razumevanju in obravnavi ESG vprašanj v vaših organizacijah.
In the corruption awareness week, December 9 - 13, 2019, we launched the first survey on compliance practices in Slovenia.
We present the key findings that can be the basis for further research and development of the field of compliance and ethics in Slovenia.
We will be glad, if the results of this research will help you and you will be able to use them in your work. Do not use the results of this survey for commercial purposes. When using the results of this research in subsequent publications, reference should be made to the source, indicating: European Institute of Compliance and Ethics - EICE, www.eisep.si
Education, research and development in the field of compliance and ethics and care for the development of the business compliance officer profession.