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A smart game for managers - the Global Business Ethics Challenge - took place in Ljubljana
The Manager Association and the European Institute for Compliance and Business Ethics have jointly prepared a unique training, which was intended for the management bodies of Slovenian companies. Namely, one of the missions of EICE is to build bridges between management and the profession of compliance and business ethics, and at this event, participants were able to gain a new experience of how important it is to work together.
Three teams of managers were sent to one of the growing markets to set up a palm oil sales business. They set a business strategy for certain periods, but they had to take into account that the owners of the parent company want to achieve the highest possible EVA (Economic Value Added) index, which speaks of the actual return on business, in relation to the invested capital. A computer algorithm measured how they fared and how ethical they were doing so. It turned out that the team that was most successful in business did not have the highest ethical index, and it certainly did not lag far behind. Players have thus gained experience that ethical decisions can also have a very concrete impact on business results. (16.06.2016)
#impactGBEC great Global Business Ethics Challenge for EICE in Ljubljana #ethicsgamechanger pic.twitter.com/zoBawdMQjx
— Impact on Integrity (@impactintegrity) June 15, 2016
Education, research and development in the field of compliance and ethics and care for the development of the business compliance officer profession.