With you for the past 10 years, committed to compliance and integrity!
Through years of operation of the institute, experiences from the local and international professional community, and the inquiries of our members, as well as the challenges faced by leaders and experts in compliance and corporate integrity in their work, a diverse treasury of valuable opinions on specific issues has emerged. We have also created numerous practical tools in the form of document templates, worksheets, and thought schemes that we use in executing or managing the function of compliance and corporate integrity.
This is our contribution to supporting good and responsible business practices and enhancing competencies in recognizing and managing risks for compliance and integrity in business operations. I hope it will be helpful to you in your professional work, leadership, or supervision of companies!
One of the questions addressed in this edition often arises in the institute's practice and is present in the almost daily practice of compliance professionals. We will delve into the circumstances of (potential) conflicts of interest, specifically for the case of receiving hospitality.
This time, we are looking at the receipt of a gift, which is not allowed under the Internal Rules. What is the advice of the compliance function when we learn that someone has already received an unauthorised gift and has therefore breached the internal rules on compliance and business integrity?
At the recent compliance professionals meeting, several participants pointed out that this is the period of the year, when they are bussy preparing the annual compliance report for the previous year. This is therefore the central subject of the January issue of Compliance Practices.
Assuring of sufficient and adequate support for the compliance function is a common challenge with which compliance and ethics professionals and leaders are struggling constantly.
Veliko podjetij, vodij in strokovnjakov se ukvarja z vprašanji o tem, kako vzpostaviti sistem upravljanja skladnosti, kako sploh opredeliti, upravljati, izvajati in spremljati korporativno integriteto, pri čemer si izberejo določen referenčni standard. In to je pravilen, profesionalen pristop.
Tokratna izdaja obravnava zagotavljanje skladnosti poslovanja na nivoju vzpostavitve ter rednega pregledovanja oziroma posodabljanja internih aktov, kar je pravzaprav eden osnovnih gradnikov v sistemu skladnosti.
The full edition of the Compliance Practices is available to EICE members and subscribers.
Shortened public editions such as this one are always available to the general public.
Na eno celotno izdajo Skladnih praks se lahko poskusno naročite preko spodnjega spletnega obrazca in poslali vam ga bomo po e-pošti.
Eno mesečno izdajo Skladnih praks lahko prejmete brezplačno, četudi morda še niste član strokovne skupnosti EISEP. V ta namen smo pripravili obrazec za poskusno naročilo, pri čemer se lahko kasneje odločite tudi za redno mesečno naročniško razmerje ali pa za polno članstvo v EISEP strokovni skupnosti.
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Education, research and development in the field of compliance and ethics and care for the development of the business compliance officer profession.